Monday, October 25, 2010

Video of the week #4

Busy week, busy week. I have the oral part of my Japanese midterm coming up this week. I actually had to partner with someone, which sucks really badly. I hate doing group work, and it's really horrible for a class like Japanese. I ended up pretty much tutoring the guy while coming up with dialog for us to say. So rather than talking in Japanese with him, I have to rehearse some script we made, because if I divert from the script, he won't know what the hell I'm saying. No improvisation, and my memory is horrible. I have to memorize a script in such a short amount of time. It may be a short script, but my memory is so horrible that I just know I'll forget a line or two and completely lose him unintentionally. I'd be forced to improvise, while he wouldn't be able to answer, and it'd just be pretty bad from there.

Anyway, on to the video. I like calling this one "Hadoken Dentetsu"

~ Kirari ミ★

13 posts:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that, hope the script works out for you. Group work is the worst.

Beatrice said...

I always hated group work, its hard to find anyone who you can operate with without problems.

Jerry said...

Improv all you want, it's their fault for not studying.

Kirari Star said...

It's even worse that we were assigned at random. I mean, I don't know anyone in the class, but I'd at least like to be paired up with someone that knew enough Japanese to improvise with me if I forget the script. At this rate, I'm sure my horrible memory will crap out on me, combined with the nervousness of being put on the spot in front of everyone, and forget the lines halfway through.

From there, I dunno what will happen. I can hold my own, but my partner won't be able to. I guess I can try really really simple questions or something and hope he can at least answer them by mimicking the last verb I used in positive or negative.

Kirari Star said...

Eh, truthfully, the class moves very fast. If it wasn't for the fact that I was already way ahead of the class when first entering, I might actually have had trouble with something like this too.

Jimmy Volmer said...

I hate group work in school... there's always a slacker

librarian said...

It's terrible having to rely on others.

Hip-Hop Hikikomori said...

I fucking hate group work as well. Other people only ever seem to slow me down, so I know that feel.

That vid was brilliant, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I hated exams like that when I was taking German

Cpt.Awesome said...

I hate group work too. Most people are idiots that just slow down progress.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you had to work with that guy. I loathe group work too. Good luck with the oral part of the midterm.

I lol'd at the video. That's very well-made.

Discerning Gentleman said...

hell yeah... Tiger Uppercut!

Crammarc said...

group work blows

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