Friday, April 29, 2011

Fill'er up

Was planning on finishing Poncho translation this week, but I've mostly been spending it catching up on my backlog. So I was going to make a Spring 2011 anime post today, but now I feel it's too late for me to take the effort, even though I'm not sleepy and will most likely be awake for another few hours. It's just that after a certain time I lose the will to be productive in anything. Well, aside from Japanese, I guess. But that's because it's not really much work if I just space it out with breaks in between.

So I'll just do a quick filler for now. Earlier this week I ended up leaving Japanese class and got followed by the girl from last time. Or, rather, she actually ran up to me and tried to get my attention because I was so far ahead and had my headphones on. But I always have my headphones on when I'm outside. In any case, it ended up with her running up and literally having to catch her breath from running to me. I actually wonder where she came from, because after class I usually stick around because the professor likes asking me about my learning methods and giving me various little pointers on certain things (and sometimes just feels like testing me by asking a random word and seeing if I know how to write it). In that time there's nobody in the class, so by the time I leave everyone should be gone.

Well, I didn't notice at all really. I normally would have just kept going with the excuse that I need to do something before my next class; but I decided I'd chat about Madoka's end with her if she was that eager to catch up with me.

So we headed somewhere and talked for a bit. She brought up the Madoka wiki and we talked about various speculations we had through the series and such (she freaking told me what that black cat was in the OP). Discussion moved around for a bit, I happened to have my Madoka manga with me so let her see it , along with some of the other stuff I had. Among them I had Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria, which was the first one she opened up and then immediately closed upon realizing it wasn't a manga. I told her she shouldn't be too frightened of it and told her she should try reading more Japanese materials than the textbook and such. But she's one of the students in the class that notably have a decent grasp on the language, so I assume she puts some effort into learning outside of formal lessons.

The conversation drifted a bit to her asking me if I've read Saya no Uta. She was interested in it because of Madoka but hasn't read it yet. She's read various other visual novels before and we casually chatted about some of them, but she's only really read a handful. Somewhere along the line she asked if I ever visit conventions or cosplay. But I don't go to conventions nor cospay, she was somewhat disappointed because she though I'd make a great cosplayer. I've no idea what really makes one a "great cosplayer" but I'll take her word on it.

It was about 20 minutes until my next class started, and I certainly had more time to hang out more, but I decided to leave early. Since we were browsing the Madoka wiki on my laptop, and it was on hibernate from before, I did end up having Skype open. So when I was packing up she asked for my Skype name. In the end, I didn't give it to her. My computer was off at the time and I said I was in a hurry, so she just gave me her Skype to add her. I still haven't and feel a bit bad for it, but maybe this week I'll make a dummy account and talk a bit. But then I'd probably feel bad being signed off all the time. I did mention I don't use the account much when she asked. Meh, I'll think of what to do later, if anything I could always just actually add her to my account if she's not too talkative.

After that I was supposed to have a presentation in the next class, where I show a movie scene and such. Luckily, it got pushed to next class. My group was last, and everyone wanted to show scenes that are ridiculously long and ate up the whole class time. I don't mind going next week, but the clips were boring to sit through really. And everyone loved picking sex and rape scenes.

But how about something less shitpost related? Here's a small treat for visiting. Before, I made a music post that contained some Chirinuruwowaka songs. Well, earlier this week they released a new album titled 白穴 (white hole) after about 5 years of no new releases as a band.. I thought it was just a side project that ended up dying out, but they've reformed it. I've been listening to the whole album all week. Very nice stuff, really like everything on the album. I'll just show 2 songs from the album. First is ホワイトホール (White Hole), the PV for it has actually been out on youtube for a while before the album was released.

Second one is やまみちにて... (At the mountain trail), which is the second track on the album. I actually didn't know which one I wanted to use as the second post because I like all of them, so I just put my MP3 player on shuffle and let it pick which one I used.

Though, not entirely sure if anyone else will like them. I think they're pretty good, but I can never really tell how well my tastes match with others anyway. I'll see if I can get Poncho finished tomorrow. Or at least do a Spring 2011 anime post.

Take it easy.

~ Kirari ミ★

12 posts:

Pawawanpi said...

Books that don't have pictures. Blasphemy. No just kidding. There are lots of good novels that don't get translated into English and usually light novels are easier to read though, and they are good practice.

Jerry said...

>and then immediately closed upon realizing it wasn't a manga.

I would be "trying" to read it. By that I mean that my Japanese is still limited.

>I've no idea what really makes one a "great cosplayer" but I'll take her word on it.

I think she was complimenting your uhh..., body.

>And everyone loved picking sex and rape scenes.

They must have thought they were DEEP.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the reason she's so interested in you is because she secretly knows about your blog, and has been stalking you for some time.

Erika Aki said...

I guess the girl's just a bit eager about her interest eh. She sounded like she's the outgoing/extrovert type, with her going to the conventions and all (assuming that she does, since she brought up the topic in the first place).

I won't mind having someone like this irl, tho I guess each to their own?

>but I can never really tell how well my tastes match with others anyway

If we ever wanna match with most people taste, we'd end up listening to Bieber, Gaga, and related stuff. Taste are overrated~

I like Chirinuruwowaka stuff tho. The music is pretty good.

I'm interested to see the spring anime list.

C said...

>she actually ran up to me and tried to get my attention
Sounds like my neighbors.

>everyone loved picking sex and rape scenes.
They sound like such refined people.

MixedNuts said...

>not entirely sure if anyone else will like them
The music you put out is fine, but I don't go on a crazy downloading spree.

Wow man that person is persistent I'm lucky I don't go through that, not many people want to be near me.

serenity said...

For such a persistent person she seems pretty nice. At least she isn't obnoxious about her interests, although I find those sorts of people are best taken in small doses.

>She's read various other visual novels before and we casually chatted about some of them

That's the sort of thing I'd feel weird talking about in real life.

>2 songs

Not bad. I quite liked the first one, though it's not a genre I listen to a lot of.

I wouldn't worry about people liking or not liking music you post, I always like the opportunity to hear something new.

Hip-Hop Hikikomori said...

>we talked about various speculations we had through the series and such
>She's read various other visual novels before and we casually chatted about some of them

That's some wasted friendship potential alright. I'd jump on such a chance.

>And everyone loved picking sex and rape scenes.

How awkward.

The music is alright. I'm very open in terms of music, and I don't think you've ever posted something that I flat out didn't like.

Tigoris said...

It sounds like a good chance to make a friend, but in my experience people with similar hobbies are really hit and miss. Mostly miss. I don't know why exactly, but perhaps something about developing a hobby entirely on your own and then trying to share it with someone is just really hard.

If I had a cute girl chase after me and try to be my friend, I think I might just have a heart attack from the surprise. Or perhaps just spend every second near her wondering what trick she was trying to pull. Trying to understand peoples' motives is really tough.

>sex scenes

How awkward.

>rape scenes

How rage inducing.

>Browsing on laptop with someone else
>Talking about VN's
>Revealing any powerlevel at all

You're so brave.

I'll have to wait and watch those videos/hear the songs when I get back to my apartment. I was going to put off commenting until I listened, but it'll be a couple days til I go back.

Anonymous said...

Well it would seem you've got quite the little stalker there don't you?

It also seems that she had expressed a great interest in your reproductive organs, I'd recommend saying something to create some distance and activating some evasive maneuvers. (unless this was what you were aiming for, in which case carry on)

>And everyone loved picking sex and rape scenes.

Oh my..

Kirari Star said...

It's fine, you can leave a comment whenever.

>Well it would seem you've got quite the little stalker there don't you?

Yeah, it seems that wa-
It also seems that she had expressed a great interest in your reproductive organs

( ゚д゚)

Cpt.Awesome said...

She really wants to become your friend for some reason. Maybe she doesn't have any friends with similar interests?

She seems okay to me. I would personally be wary of her due to my past experiences, but if you want to give real life friends a shot then this seems like a good opportunity. Of course, if she was a yandere I would take this chance in a heartbeat.

>everyone loved picking sex and rape scenes.

This would just make me feel uncomfortable. I actually like lewd jokes, but this is just immature.

>It also seems that she had expressed a great interest in your reproductive organs

Cyber sex friend?

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