Saturday, August 27, 2011

Has Kirari returned?

 Hey guys, it's been a while. I've had quite a few people asking when I was going to open my blog up again and why I even closed it in the first place. I'm not sure if I wanna talk about the reasons or not, but I figured I might as well give blogging another shot. I actually missed it. I've been trying to keep up with blogs, but I mostly lurk since I'm too lazy to sign into my account. Even still, I have a pretty huge backlog of your posts that I haven't read yet. I'll try to keep up a bit better, but I'm a bit busy now.

It's funny how I shut the blog down during Summer when I had no classes, and I'm not opening it up again right when classes are about to start. I essentially just closed it for Summer break, I guess, though that wasn't what I intended at all. To be frank, I actually wanted to close my blog down for good, but I guess I got around to just opening it up once again.

I'd be lying if I said not much has happened in my life as of late, but I guess at the same time I don't feel like diving too deeply into subjects. I guess one thing I can talk about is that I felt this Summer has been so busy that I've neglected my Japanese big time. I've still been reviewing frequently, but it's become something that I feel isn't even helping because I take so many "I'll just do a short review this time" days that I feel I've really just been left behind. My plans for the Summer were to really have cracked down, but due to unforeseen events I've been pretty preoccupied and unable to just make my full 3 month Japanese solitude bubble like I had planned. Instead, I feel my Japanese has gone nowhere sine the beginning of Summer. Then again, it's hard to tell progress. I guess today is a pretty nice day for me to just sit back and catch up on some animu that I haven't seen in a while. I think that's some of the only Japanese I've really been keeping up with decently, watching animu and various other stuff, subless of course. I still download the subs now and then but turn the subtitles off. If there's something I really didn't understand, I'll go back, turn the subs on, and then play the scene again without subs. It sometimes makes scenes a bit longer than they should be, but in the end I guess I have become accustomed to new words. I've still been pretty damn lazy though, I hardly even add sentences to my Anki deck and I focus more on reviewing kanji and sometimes neglect my sentence deck all together.

But I guess I'm trying to get back on track. And it's funny how I try getting back on track when school is about to start and I'm about to become even more busy. But that's fine, I guess.I'll just try to take it easy. Taking it easy is what it's all about. I'm disappointed in myself and at the same time I'm understanding of my own position. Though I sometimes feel I'm just making excuses.

In any case, I'll try to get back to posting, but I probably won't be posting as frequently as I once did. But I'll see how it goes. 

See ya

~ Kirari ミ★

7 posts:

Tigoris said...

>It's funny how I shut the blog down during Summer when I had no classes

Summer is the plague.

>I'm disappointed in myself

It won't help to regret. Leave the past behind and focus on the present. (Sounds like you already are, but my inner motivator wanted to say something anyways)

It's good to see you back. Somehow I had the thought, "Oh, Kirari might be posting again" immediately before I clicked on blogger and saw your post. How odd. Looking forward to hearing more from you!

Jerry said...

Welcome back. Summer really adds more to the lazy so I can't blame you.

>Looking forward to hearing more from you!

serenity said...

Welcome back.

>it's funny how I try getting back on track when school is about to start

I have no idea why, but it seems the busier you are with one thing, the more productive you end up being with a bunch of other things too.

Cpt.Awesome said...

Welcome back. I-it's not like I wanted you to r-return or anything! Don't get the wrong idea!

Erika Aki said...

>I have no idea why, but it seems the busier you are with one thing, the more productive you end up being with a bunch of other things too.

This, pretty much. I find it funny how it's actually possible to take it easy on taking it easy.

Regardless, welcome back.

みもと said...

Welcome back!!! Finally!!!

LainIwakura said...

Good to see you back, even if I noticed a bit late =x

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