Thursday, May 5, 2011

Finals next week

 I didn't even realize my finals were coming so soon. They're next week. I'm not really prepared, but I don't mind much. Japanese I'll have no problem with, I don't think History will be a problem since he gave us the essay questions so we can focus on making good essays. I'll just gather information up this week. The only final I guess I should be worried about is the Computer Science one simply because the professor likes using vaguely worded questions and "fill in the blank from this textbook sentence" stuff. Plus, failing it or getting a low grade secures me an F in the class since I missed the first test. This week I spent mostly catching up on a few things. I plan to make a (late) post regarding what I'm watching this season after I finish my finals.

On Monday, nothing really eventful happened aside from me having a headache on and off for the day. After Japanese I was of course followed by the girl from before. Don't remember much about what subject she brought up, aside from Mirai Nikki and asking me if I could handle a Japanese conversation. At my current level, I can't, but I kinda took the classes to strengthen my verbal skills. They are helping for that purpose though. We eventually came to the point where I usually head to my bus stop, since I've no class after Japanese on Monday. She asked if I wanted to have lunch with her, and I declined. I actually just wanted to go home and watch Densha Otoko anyway.
On Wednesday she told me she wish she'd spoken to me earlier since the semester is ending so she'd have someone to walk with after class, but she's too timid to do so. That, and the class is filled with Koreans that don't even speak English fully, and she's one of the few non-Korean Asians in the class, so not many people for her to talk to. We actually don't talk much when we're with each other, that's pretty fine to me. When I'm just on my laptop waiting for the next class we're fairly silent aside from when she occasionally brings something up for small chat. Then again she could just be scared to speak up due to me being such a closed individual.

What was really eventful on Wednesday was me passing up the opportunity to make an easy $100. I totally regret it now. How'd I pass this offer up? There were fighting game tournaments being held at my school. Although I didn't want to really participate, I was in the mood for a match or two so head over there. I played Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Ougon Musou Kyouku (yeah, they actually had this there, surprisingly). With Seakitties I got a perfect on the dude I was against, and in MvC3 I didn't lose any of my characters. Apparently I was up against the best that the school has to offer, according to multiple people there (mostly trying to get me to join their game club). I left and, wouldn't you know, the girl from my Japanese class just so happened to be in the area and was watching me play and decided to leave with me. She asked why I didn't enter the tournament since I had a high likelyhood of winning the ones held for those two games. I had no idea how long they'd take, and I really didn't want to end up home at 12AM just for some fight money, especially with the late night bus schedules. $50 for each of the tourneys, and glancing at the other matches it didn't seem I'd have a tough time with anyone (they're mostly just button mashers).

When I got home I was hit with a huge wave of regret. I wish I'd stayed for that, because I realized I have to make a payment of $92 this week to debt collectors and I really could have used that money. But, too late for that now, and no use crying over spilled milk. So I'll just deal with it. Maybe if there's another one I'll go through with it.

I don't want to make this shitpost too long. I'll end it here.

~ Kirari ミ★

21 posts:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have been able to walk away like that. I have a hard time turning down easy money.

Pawawanpi said...

Awww no easy money? Sad...

Cpt.Awesome said...

For better or for worse, it seems like she really likes you. Maybe she thinks you're what Patchouli would be IRL and she just wants an onee-sama? Did you end up adding her on Skype?

I probably would have passed on the tourny. The money is tempting, but I wouldn't want to come home past 12 AM.

Nope said...

Naw, seems like the girl could be a good companion, if you don't like talking and she's quiet isn't that perfect?

The tourny is a shame, going home late would suck but $100 is probably worth that, to me anyway.

Hip-Hop Hikikomori said...

>Then again she could just be scared to speak up due to me being such a closed individual.

Your seclusion field is working in reverse!

I would have taken up the chance on the tourney in a heartbeat. Not even for the money, I just never get a chance to play against live people. I think it'd be cool. It's too bad I'm trash at most fighting games.

MixedNuts said...

School tourney or a small community tourney for a game that I have played, gotta put on my coolface and these games for free money.

Stuff like this never happen in my sight sadfrog.jpeg, maybe because the place were I had some education is all normals not nerds.

Jerry said...

>Then again she could just be scared to speak up due to me being such a closed individual.

Why don't you open up your -dere side?

>Did you end up adding her on Skype?

I'm curious too, if you don't mind me asking.

I wouldn't pass up the chance for that easy money. I enjoy seeing what people have to offer in fighting games.

Kirari Star said...

I added her on Skype, she never logged on though. Or rather, she does log on, but always invisible. I only see brief flash of her logging in and she recently changed her image. But she never said anything to me and just stays invisible. Makes me wonder why she wanted to even add me, but it's fine like this. I'm certainly not going to start a conversation with her if she's invisible, I probably wouldn't do so even if she was visible.

Kirari Star said...

>Why don't you open up your -dere side?

I gave her my bottled tea because she forgot to buy a drink with her meal. Is that dere enough for you?

C said...

Even if this girl is quiet and timid, she sounds quite annoyingly pushy to me.

>no use crying over spilled milk
Sounds like a lot of milk.

Tigoris said...

She probably doesn't have the nerve to talk to you online. At least, if it was me, I wouldn't. I always let other people start the conversation with me.

Also, just as a warning, if you have ever associated yourself with the name "Kirari" around her, then there is a good chance she's reading your blog. Usernames make it extremely easy to find people.

Good luck on your finals!

Kirari Star said...

I don't leave any hints of my online like in real life. Closest connection would be finding my Skype name on /jp/, which really wouldn't be too big of a deal considering my Skype has nothing aside from the /jp/ post relating to it.

Jerry said...

>Is that dere enough for you?

Yes. (`・ω・´)

みもと said...

Sounds like fun, hopefully finals will be easy for you.

Erika Aki said...

>She probably doesn't have the nerve to talk to you online. At least, if it was me, I wouldn't. I always let other people start the conversation with me.

Same here with me

I guess they were right when they said that 'birds of same feather flock together. At least you're not stuck with those loud annoying weaboos right? Now that'd be something else.

All the best for finals (I should get back to studying for the next papers myself, whoops~)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the finals. Also, neat gif :)

serenity said...

>passing up the opportunity to make an easy $100

That's a shame. Is is a regular thing?

>She probably doesn't have the nerve to talk to you online. At least, if it was me, I wouldn't. I always let other people start the conversation with me.

Thirding this. Although if she's invisible then she's not exactly inviting you to start a conversation either...

>I don't leave any hints of my online like in real life.

I think that's the best way to do things.

Anonymous said...

That is indeed a very cute gif.
Shame you missed out on $100, but I'm sure other opportunities will be there in the future.

link said...

She actually seems to be a pretty nice person.
And shame about the tourneys. I think I would've passed up too, though. Even if I'm good at a game I would probably suck if I had to play with someone in real life like that.

>She probably doesn't have the nerve to talk to you online. At least, if it was me, I wouldn't. I always let other people start the conversation with me.

Same with me as well.

Nirenn said...

I can't stop watching that .Gif

librarian said...

I remember seeing that animated gif on /jp/ a while ago and then in this post. I thought I replied, but apparently I didn't.

>I can't stop watching that .Gif

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